速報APP / 生產應用 / Multi Values for ALiSENSOR™ Level

Multi Values for ALiSENSOR™ Level



檔案大小:2.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Multi Values for ALiSENSOR™ Level(圖1)-速報App

The Multi Values for ALiSENSOR™ Level app is dedicated to work wirelessly with the ALiSENSOR™ Level hardware. This app combined with the hardware compose a geometric measurement system for industrial applications. The MFi certified hardware can be ordered at http://www.gloi.se.

This app allows you to perform geometric measurement with up to three ALiSENSOR™ Level units, constantly showing live sensor values. The sensor units can be zeroed for relative measurements, or calibrated for absolute measurements. One sensor unit can be selected to act as a reference, so the measurement values from other units are adjusted.

Multi Values for ALiSENSOR™ Level(圖2)-速報App

The angles are displayed in the user's unit of choice: degrees (decimal or with arcminutes and arcseconds), thou/in, in/ft, mm/m or mm/100mm.

Measurement values can be saved from the different sensor units, and exported to both a PDF report and a spreadsheet that can be opened with Excel and Numbers.

Multi Values for ALiSENSOR™ Level(圖3)-速報App

ALiSENSOR™ Level Hardware:

The ALiSENSOR™ Level standalone sensor unit provides high accuracy inclination data as well as many other measurements to the iOS device through Bluetooth®. Inclination measurements with an accuracy of less than ±0.001° can be performed. GLOi AB participates in the “Made For iPhone” (MFi) program and the hardware is fully certified by Apple Inc. More apps are being developed which utilize the sensor data for other types of specialized measurements.

Multi Values for ALiSENSOR™ Level(圖4)-速報App


This app requires the external hardware ALiSENSOR™ Level. The hardware is purchased separately.

Multi Values for ALiSENSOR™ Level(圖5)-速報App

For more information, technical specifications and video tutorials about the ALiSENSOR™ product family please visit the GLOi AB website: http://www.gloi.se
